The European Commission adopted today a proposal to enhance the mobility of inland navigation crew members and provide new career prospects. The proposed directive aims to increase the talent pool available to industry in inland waterways transportation contributing to the Juncker priority of a deeper and fairer internal market. Better worker mobility will let people move more freely where their skills are needed. The proposal for a directive on the recognition of professional qualifications of skilled workers in inland navigation throughout the European Union will replace Directives 91/672/EC and 96/50/EC and will streamline, modernise and extend the recognition of skilled workers in inland navigation. To ensure a high level of safety, the initiative bases the recognition of the professional qualifications on the competences which are needed for the operation of the vessels.

Proposition de Directive sur la reconnaissance des qualifications professionnelles en navigation intérieure / Voorstel van Richtlijn over de erkenning van beroepsbekwaamheden in de binnenvaart
The European Commission adopted today a proposal to enhance the mobility of inland navigation crew members and provide new career prospects. The proposed directive aims to increase the talent pool available to industry in inland waterways transportation contributing to the Juncker priority of a deeper and fairer internal market. Better worker mobility will let people move more freely where their skills are needed. The proposal for a directive on the recognition of professional qualifications of skilled workers in inland navigation throughout the European Union will replace Directives 91/672/EC and 96/50/EC and will streamline, modernise and extend the recognition of skilled workers in inland navigation. To ensure a high level of safety, the initiative bases the recognition of the professional qualifications on the competences which are needed for the operation of the vessels.

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