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ITB Newsletter 4

{ 13 november, 2020 }

Download hier onze Nieuwsbrief 4 met volgende inhoud:
- Verplichte teboekstelling – aanpassing en vereenvoudiging retributies 
- Forfaitaire belastingplichtigen – Uitstel indiening aangiften 
- Verlenging transitieperiodes in NRMM-verordening
- Herinnering – Verwijderingsbijdrage: verhoging tot 8,50 euro per 1000 Liter met ingang van 1 januari 2021

Téléchargez ici notre Lettre d’informations 4 avec les points suivants:
- Immatriculation obligatoire – ajustement et simplification des redevances 
- Contribuables forfaitaires – Report du délai de rentrée des déclarations 
- Prolongation des périodes de transition dans la réglementation sur les NRMM
- Rappel – Rétribution d’élimination: augmentation à 8,50 euros pour 1000 litres au 1er janvier 2021

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De Vlaamse Waterweg nv is organising a hackaton where the next 4 challenges need to be solved:

1) How is an automated barge able to safely pass through a lock when no persons are present on the barge?
2) Which communication protocols should be implemented to enable safe navigation with automated and conventional barges?
3) How to enable corridor planning for both automated and conventional barges?
4) How should the government incorporate new technologies and organise their operations towards optimal traffic management?

More information can be found on the website.
The hackaton focusses on inland waterways but most of the challenges can also have solutions for maritime.

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