On 1 June 2021, EBU en ESO (European Inland Waterway Transport Platform) published a joint press release on the Study of the Human Factors in Inland Shipping Accidents.
The results of the 1st Phase are already available online – click here!

Meanwhile, the 2nd Phase of the study is ongoing, being divided into two parts:
• Phase 2a that focuses on human-machine interface in the wheelhouse,
• and Phase 2b that focuses on the four most plausible causes of accidents, namely communication; fatigue and stress; specific waterway situations; and qualifications of the crew members.

Your opinion counts!

They would like to ask you to fill in the questionnaire – will take no more than 15-20 min – that is available in several languages:
Vragenlijst Nederlands
English questionnaire
Deutscher Fragebogen

They ask you to complete the questionnaire by 26 June.

If you would like to know more about the study, please visit the website

Lijdia Pater – de Groot
Nautical and Technical Committee @ l.pater@binnenvaart.nl
Gerit Fietze
Social and Education Committee @ bdb-fietze@binnenschiff.de

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